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$$('.pb-popup-dark-desktop').on('click', function () { myPhotoBrowserPopupDark.open(); }); var myPhotoBrowserPopupDark2 = myApp.photoBrowser({ photos : [ 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/00.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/01.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/02.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/03.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/04.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/05.png', 'https://farmrpg.com/img/screenshots/06.png' ], theme: 'light', type: 'standalone' }); $$('.pb-popup-mobile').on('click', function () { myPhotoBrowserPopupDark2.open(); }); function sendUsernameToNative(name) { //This function will send the name to native. try { window.webkit.messageHandlers.usernameCallback.postMessage(name); } catch(err) { //console.log('Cannot reach native code'); } } function sendUserIDToNative(user_id) { try { window.webkit.messageHandlers.usernameCallback.postMessage("userid-"+user_id); } catch(err) { //console.log('Cannot reach native code'); } } function sendDMToNative(value) { //This function will send the name to native. try { window.webkit.messageHandlers.usernameCallback.postMessage("dark-mode-"+value); } catch(err) { //console.log('Cannot reach native code'); } } var dark_mode = $('#dark_mode').html(); sendDMToNative(dark_mode); var logged_in_username = $('#logged_in_username').html(); sendUsernameToNative(logged_in_username); var logged_in_userid = $('#logged_in_userid').html(); sendUserIDToNative(logged_in_userid); function sendMusicToNative(option) { //This function will send the name to native. try { window.webkit.messageHandlers.usernameCallback.postMessage("start-background-music-"+option); } catch(err) { //console.log("Cannot reach native code / start-background-music-"+option); } // android if (is_beta == 1) { try { //console.log('try android music'); androidjsinterface.callbackAndroid("start-background-music-"+option); } catch(err) { } } } var music_option = $('#music').html(); if (music_option > 0) { sendMusicToNative(music_option); } else { sendMusicToNative("off"); } function toggleAQPpos() { if ($('.aqp').css("top") == "27.5px") { $('.aqp').css("top","90px"); } else { $('.aqp').css("top","27.5px"); } } var chat_option = $('#chat').html(); if (chat_option > 0) { setInterval(checkChat, 70000); setInterval(getChat, 40000); getChat(); } setInterval(checkForAlerts, 90000); setInterval(getStats, 700000); setInterval(checkAllReady, 70000); getStats(); function checkSnowToggle() { var isSnowing = localStorage.getItem("snowingthm3"); if (isSnowing == "yes") { $('.fasnowon').show(); $('.fasnowoff').hide(); } else { $('.fasnowon').hide(); $('.fasnowoff').show(); } } var isSnowing = localStorage.getItem("snowingthm3"); $('.fasnowon').hide(); $('.fasnowoff').hide(); //console.log(isSnowing); if (localStorage.getItem("snowingthm3") === null) { //$('.view-main').snowfall({round : true, minSize: 1, maxSize:3, shadow : true, maxSpeed: 1}); //isSnowing = true; } if (isSnowing == "yes") { $('.view-main').snowfall({round : true, minSize: 1, maxSize:3, shadow : true, maxSpeed: 1}); } checkSnowToggle(); if (navigator.userAgent && typeof screen != 'undefined' && screen.width) { var isAndroid12 = navigator.userAgent.includes('Android 12'), isOneOfSamsungDevices = navigator.userAgent.includes('SM-'); if (isAndroid12 && isOneOfSamsungDevices) { var content = 'user-scalable=no, width=' + screen.width; if (document.querySelector){ var viewport = document.querySelector('meta[name=viewport]'); viewport.setAttribute('content', content); }else{ addMeta('viewport', content); } } } $$(".playnowbtn").click(function() { method = "playnow"; $.ajax({ url: "worker.php?go="+method, method: "POST" }) .done(function(data) { switch(data) { case "regoff": myApp.alert('Registration is currently disabled. Check later.', 'Sorry!'); break; case "success": window.location = "index.php"; break; } }); }); var cdtimer = setInterval(() => { for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll(`[data-countdown-to]`)) { const countdownTo = luxon.DateTime.fromISO(elm.dataset.countdownTo, {zone: "America/Chicago"}) let delta = countdownTo.diffNow().shiftTo("hours", "minutes", "seconds").normalize() if (delta.hours === 0) { delta = delta.shiftTo("minutes", "seconds").normalize() } if (delta.hours === 0 && delta.minutes === 0) { delta = delta.shiftTo("seconds").normalize() } // Round down seconds. Otherwise things like seconds=59.9 shows as 60 and it looks silly. delta = delta.set({ seconds: delta.seconds - (delta.seconds % 1) }) if (delta.toMillis() > 0) { elm.innerText = delta.toHuman({ unitDisplay: "short", maximumFractionDigits: 0 }) } else { elm.innerText = "Completed" if ($(elm).data('refresh') == 1) { setTimeout(function(){ currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 700); $(elm).remove(); } } } }, 800) function showEffect(img, target, options = {}) { var harvest_animations = $('#harvest_animations').html(); if (options.force || harvest_animations == 1) { const contentArea = (typeof target === 'string' || target instanceof String) ? document.getElementById(target) : target; const rect = contentArea.getBoundingClientRect(); const width = rect.width - 100; const height = rect.height; const qty = options.qty || rect.width / 20; for (let i = 0; i < qty; i++) { const elm = document.createElement("img"); elm.setAttribute("class", "harvest-floater"); if (img.startsWith("/img")) { elm.setAttribute("src", img); } else { elm.setAttribute("src", "/img/"+img+".png"); } elm.addEventListener("animationend", function() { elm.remove(); }); // Roll for location and timing. const x = Math.random() * width; const y = rect.y + (Math.random() * height); const floaterSize = 30 + (Math.random() * 70); const duration = Math.random() + 1; elm.style.zIndex = "999"; elm.style.left = `${x}px`; elm.style.top = `${y}px`; elm.style.animationDuration = `${duration}s`; elm.style.width = `${floaterSize}px`; elm.style.height = `${floaterSize}px`; contentArea.after(elm); } } } /** * POST a request to worker.php. * @param {string} action * @param {Record} params */ async function fetchWorker(action, params={}) { params.go = action; const qs = new URLSearchParams(params).toString(); let resp = await fetch(`worker.php?${qs}`, {method: 'POST'}); if (!resp.ok) { throw `Error ${resp.status} from worker: ${await resp.text()}`; } return resp; } /** * An async-compatible version of myApp.actions(). * @template T * @param {{text: string, label?: boolean, color?: string, onClick?: (() => T)}[]} buttons * @returns {Promise} */ function actionsAsync(...buttons) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => myApp.actions(buttons.map(button => { const originalOnClick = button.onClick || (() => null); button.onClick = () => { try { resolve(originalOnClick()); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; return button; })) ); } /** * An async-compatbile version of myApp.alert(). * @param {string} text * @param {string} title * @returns {Promise} */ function alertAsync(text, title) { return new Promise(resolve => myApp.alert(text, title, () => resolve(true)) ); } /** * A simple confirmation prompt. * @param {string} label */ function actionsConfirm(label) { return actionsAsync( { text: label, label: true, }, { text: 'Yes', onClick: () => true, }, { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red', onClick: function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); return false; } }, ) } const animateCSS = (element, animation, prefix = 'animate__') => // We create a Promise and return it new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const animationName = `${prefix}${animation}`; const node = document.querySelector(element); node.classList.add(`${prefix}animated`, animationName); // When the animation ends, we clean the classes and resolve the Promise function handleAnimationEnd(event) { event.stopPropagation(); node.classList.remove(`${prefix}animated`, animationName); resolve('Animation ended'); } node.addEventListener('animationend', handleAnimationEnd, {once: true}); }); // ----------- back and scroll events ----------------- // // event for new refresh page to set its new scroll $$(mainView.container).on( 'page:init', function (e) { if (currentScroll > 0) { $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(currentScroll); currentScroll = 0; } } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'item', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); var page = $('.page-on-center').data("page"); if (page != "locksmith") { mainView.router.refreshPage(); } }, 350 ); } ) myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'story', function (page) { var id = $("#storyid").html(); setTimeout( function () { mainView.router.reloadPage("storylaunch.php?id=" + id); }, 500 ); } ) myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'mailbox', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'crack', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'cardshop', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'temple', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); 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mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'bank', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'pets', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'pet', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); }, 350 ); } ); function goToAnimalsTab() { var userid = $("#logged_in_userid").html(); myApp.showTab('#tab4'+userid); } myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'namechicken', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { // currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); mainView.router.refreshPage(); // }, 350 ); } ); myApp.onPageAfterBack( 'namepig', function (page) { setTimeout( function () { currentScroll = $$(mainView.activePage.container).find('.page-content').scrollTop(); 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