Raptor 27
Fight took place on 2025-02-05 13:31:05
Raptor 27 (136/136)
power strikes
rawr (125/125) for 57 HP
rawr (68/125)
side attacks
Raptor 27 (136/136) for 34 HP
Raptor 27 (102/136)
claws at
rawr (68/125) for 31 HP
rawr uses a
Sturdy Sword and increases attack to
rawr (37/125)
spits at
Raptor 27 (102/136) for 19 HP
Raptor 27 (83/136)
rawr (37/125) for 23 HP
rawr (14/125)
side attacks
Raptor 27 (83/136) for 35 HP
Raptor 27 (48/136)
leaps at
rawr (14/125) for 24 HP
rawr is defeated... The winner is
Raptor 27!