Raptor 267
Raptor 1491
Fight took place on 2025-02-05 19:05:04
Raptor 267 (106/106)
Raptor 1491 (107/107) for 6 HP
Raptor 1491 (101/107)
lunges at
Raptor 267 (106/106) for 11 HP
Raptor 267 (95/106)
lunges at
Raptor 1491 (101/107) for 3 HP
Raptor 1491 (98/107)
power strikes
Raptor 267 (95/106) for 26 HP
Raptor 267 (69/106)
Raptor 1491 (98/107) for 6 HP
Raptor 1491 uses a
Sturdy Sword and increases attack to
Raptor 1491's
Sturdy Sword breaks...
Raptor 1491 (92/107)
roll attacks
Raptor 267 (69/106) for 24 HP
Raptor 267 (45/106)
lunges at
Raptor 1491 (92/107) for 6 HP
Raptor 1491 (86/107)
power strikes
Raptor 267 (45/106) for 28 HP
Raptor 267 (17/106)
Raptor 1491 (86/107) for 2 HP
Raptor 1491 (84/107)
power strikes
Raptor 267 (17/106) for 25 HP
Raptor 267 is defeated... The winner is
Raptor 1491!