This is a high level roadmap of planned and future development efforts for Farm RPG. This is NOT an all-inclusive list of changes/updates, but rather some of the larger updates planned for the future. This is subject to change and will be updated as ideas and plans are adjusted.

Please remember that the updates listed below are not guaranteed to happen in the order presented and could be cancelled or revised at any time.

Private Testing
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Live Game
Cancelled or Revised
2025 Efforts
  • In Work
    Mining Skill:
    Mining has been in Beta for quite a while, so you're probably wondering about the status of release to all players. Well, the honest truth is it's just not ready yet. The core game works, but we have gotten a lot of feedback from Beta testers pointing out some flaws, desired QoL changes, accessibility improvements and the lack of Help Requests revolving around the skill. We are moving back to work on Mining in the coming weeks with hopes to getting some issues with it resolved so that it can be closer to a full release. We would like to thank all of the Alpha/Beta testers for really playing the skill and providing much needed feedback.

    Greenhouse + Bulk Grape Juice Use
    There are far too many clicks required to use up your daily allotment of Grape Juice on crops, especially if you combine with Prune Juice. We would like to streamline that and allow for a more passive way to grow crops as well. This could be done as a new building or perks, but either way we are working on the best way forward to improve this.

    New Exploration Location:
    While we did release a new Exploration Zone recently (Hi Gary), there is another one that has been in and out of work for a while. You've probably seen the puzzle pieces floating around the game. These will be required to ultimately access another new exploration zone that we are very excited about. There's no ETA yet, but it is still very much on our radar to be completed when time permits.

    Game Accessibility:
    We have a large amount of players that use iOS voiceover and other screenreader software. Continued efforts will be made to improve accessibility around the game.

    Finally, we are going to keep this portion of the Roadmap a bit more succinct, but know that there are dozens more ideas and features in the pipeline that we can't wait to share and implement!

  • High Level Concepts
    The following is a list of ideas that might be added to the game, but are not guaranteed.

    Tavern System, Greenhouse, Horse Stables, Horse Racing, Scarecrow System, Duck Pond, Beer-making / Brewery, Combat Skill, Voyages, Improved Trading System, Auction System, Bee Keeping, Goats, Fishing Weather Cycles, Hunting Skill, Farm Prestige System, Multi-farm System, Farming Co-Ops, Hall of Fame

2025 Progress
January - March
Cow Variations, Expanded Protein Bar Use, Featured Animals, Temple Secret, Gary's Crushroom, Referral Rewards, Buddyjack Rewards, Help Request Rewards, Pig Variations, Event Calendar

Completed in 2024
October - December
Chicken Variations, Mining Skill, Gold Feed, Cow Variations, Theme Sync (iOS), Temple of Fate Adventure, Real-time Apple count when exploring, New Color Themes, Townsfolk Chat Item Codes, Pig Variations, Referral QR Codes, Snowball Fight
July - September
Quick Give Perk, Bottle Rocket Brawl, Event Shop, Quality of Life Updates, Staff System Revisions, New Craftables, Baba Cola, Mealworms Tap Anywhere, Apple Turnover, Chicken Variations, Temple of Fate Adventure, Mining Skill
April - June
Sleep RPG, Elemental Egg Hunt, Truffle Market, 3rd Birthday Event, Supply Vouchers, Quick Give Perk, Beach Ball Bounce, Townsfolk Bobbleheads, Mealworms Tap Anywhere
January - March
Android Crop Ready Notifications, Frozen Fishing Event Phase II, Lag Reduction, Tower Levels 200-250, Android Background Music, Profile Cleanup

Completed in 2023
October - December
Spooky Pie Meal, Accessibility Improvements, Updated Halloween Theme, Haunted House, Ghost Hunting, Improved Settings, Mega Mastery Rewards, Frozen Fishing Event, Cooking Ready Notifications (iOS), Auto-Fishing, Tower Levels 200-219, Mining Skill, New Exploration Zone
July - September
4th of July Event, Mailbox Shop, New Quests / NPCs / Friendship Levels, Roaming the Halls Redbrook Adventure, Back-to-School Bash Event, Sawmill Pine Boards, Harvest Animations, Borgen's Belt Collection
April - June
BuddyGPT, Egg Hunt Event, New Omelette Meals, Borgen Bucks, Egg Hunt Adventure, Sturdy Saw, Crop Ready Notifications (iOS), Quick Store Perk, RaptorDex, House of Cards, Birthday Event
January - March
Charter/Expedition Early Collection, Spin Wheel x10 Option, Crop Inventory Counts Section, Condensed Farm View, Text Size Settings, Temple of Reward (Mercy System), Post Office Password Log, Valentine's Mini-Event, Tower 150-199, House of Cards, 250K Mini-Event, Large Net Launcher Setting, Hide Help Requests

Completed in 2022
October - December
Friendship Rewards, Cooking Skill, Buddy's Adventure, October Event, Jill's Corn Maze, Redbrook Adventures, Thanksgiving Mini-Event, December Event, Large Nets x10, Comet's Adventure
July - September
Skill Level Rewards, Level 80 Exploring Zone, Schoolhouse, Back-to-School Event, Raptor Fight Club, QoL Updates, Craftworks, Friendship Levels, Friendship Rewards (Beta), Cooking Skill (Beta), Library Favorites (Beta)
April - June
New Server, Egg Hunt Event, The Tower, Android IAPs, Birthday Event, Art Gallery, QoL Updates, Exchange Center, Lv 80 Fishing Zone, Steelworks, Auto-refreshing Mailboxes (Beta), XP to Silver Conversion, Personal Help Requests
January - March
Wheel of Borgen, Merit Badges, Bookshelf, Trade Rep System (Alpha), New Fishing Bait: Mealworms, Apple Cider Repurpose, The Vault, Daily Chores, Referral System, Lag Reduction, QoL Features, Large Nets, Arnold Palmers, Valentine's Day Event, St Patricks Day Mini-Event, Workshop Item Order

Completed in 2021
Blizzard / Snow, New Mailbox UI, Community Center, Lag Reduction, Christmas Event, 2022 Planning
Apple Cider, Storehouse Item Storage, Crafting Effectiveness, Raptor Pen, Thanksgiving Mini-Event, New Workshop UI, Saved Perk Sets, Lag Reduction
Feed Mill, New Exploring Zone, Pig Pen, iOS App 1.3, Halloween Event, New Fishing Net UI, Glassworks
Wishing Well, Locksmith, New Fishing Zone, New Farming UI, New Inventory UI
iOS IAPs, My Friends, New Server, Quarry, Pet Shop, Gummy Worms
July 4th Event, Storehouse, Steak Kabobs, Ironworks, Stamina Effectiveness, Hay Field, Item Mastery
Help Requests, Iced Tea, Fishing Baits, Cow Pasture, Auto-Crafting
May 12 - Official Launch
Grape Juice, Vineyard / Wine, Expeditions, Fishing Charters, Lemonade, Steak Market, Sawmill, Dark Mode, Post Office, Runestones, Farmhouse