Nothing found
Available Upgrades
Cap Upgrades
Upgrades on Sale (Changes on Mondays)
availableFishing Almanac
Earn 10% more XP when fishing
SALE! Normally 30 Gold -
availableSprint Shoes II
Doubles Stamina Effectiveness
Stamina is used faster
Requires Sprint Shoes I Perk
SALE! Normally 250 Gold -
availableStar Map
Charters/Expeditions are significantly
more effective
SALE! Normally 250 Gold -
availableQuick Craft
Adds Quick Craft option to Item Details
Item must be craftable
SALE! Normally 125 Gold -
availableLarge Net Launcher
Adds option to use 10 to 50
Large Nets at a time
Adjust in Settings
SALE! Normally 250 Gold
Farming Upgrades
availableIrrigation System I
Crops grow 10% faster -
availableIrrigation System II
Crops grow 20% faster
Requires Irrigation System I Perk -
availableFertilizer I
Items sold earn 10% more Silver -
availableFarming Almanac
Earn 10% more XP when farming -
availableDistributor I
Adds option to sell all unlocked
crops at once -
availableGrape Juice Pitcher
+1 Extra Grape Juice uses per day -
availableGrape Juice Fountain
+2 Extra Grape Juice uses per day
Requires Grape Juice Pitcher Perk -
availableGrape Juice Waterfall
+3 Extra Grape Juice uses per day
Requires Grape Juice Fountain Perk -
availableFlour Power
Flour processes twice as fast
Fishing Upgrades
availableFishing Almanac
Earn 10% more XP when fishing
SALE! Normally 30 Gold -
availableFish Supplier
Adds option to sell all unlocked
fish while fishing (across all zones!)
Also adds locking options to
fishing location details -
availableCrazy Hooks II
1% chance you will catch a large
amount of the fish when fishing
manually, affects streak
availableReinforced Netting
Fishing Nets catch 15 things -
availableStamina Lure III
+5 stamina per fish
manually fished at
the Farm Pond -
availableLarge Net Launcher
Adds option to use 10 to 50
Large Nets at a time
Adjust in Settings
SALE! Normally 250 Gold
Crafting Upgrades
Exploring Upgrades
availableExploring Almanac
Earn 10% more XP when exploring -
availableLemon Squeezer
Drinking Lemonade gives 20 Items -
availableSprint Shoes I
Doubles Stamina Effectiveness
Stamina is used faster -
availableSprint Shoes II
Doubles Stamina Effectiveness
Stamina is used faster
Requires Sprint Shoes I Perk
SALE! Normally 250 Gold -
availableCinnamon Sticks
Apple Cider is 25% more effective
Cooking Upgrades
availableCooking Almanac
Earn 10% more XP when cooking -
availableCooking Almanac II
Earn 10% more XP when cooking
Requires Cooking Almanac Perk -
availableHotter Ovens I
Cooking is 10% faster -
availableMeal Collector
Adds option to collect all ready
meals at once -
availablePower Mixer
Adds option to stir all
meals at once -
availableGiant Spoon
Adds option to taste all
meals at once -
availableDash and Pinch
Adds option to season all
meals at once -
availableBulk Ovens
Adds option to cook meal in
all ovens at once -
availableFruit Puncher
Adds option to drink Fruit Punch in
all ovens at once -
availableInduction Burner II
Cooking uses 10% less coal
Quality of Life Upgrades
Collect all Pet Items at once -
availablePet Whistle
Adds option to collect pet items
from Home when pet items are
ready to collect
Requires Collect-o-Matic Perk -
availableInventory Monitor
Highlights items in gray if Inventory is full
during Fishing / Exploring and
displays your Inventory Counts on
Exploring / Fishing Location Details
Highlights red in Post Office -
availableBulletin Board
Displays Help Needed Progress
Highlights items in Market
availableYes I'm Sure
Removes confirmations for
Lemonades, Fishing Nets
Mailboxes, Quarry
Ironworks, Wine Cellar
Worm Habitat, Crafting
availableIron Depot
Keeps inventory full of iron and nails
by auto-buying with Silver -
availableMastery Tracker
Track Mastery Progress more easily -
availableFarm Dashboard
Adds production values to right
side of each Farm building -
availableQuick Sell
Adds Quick Sell option to Item Details
Item must be sellable -
availableQuick Craft
Adds Quick Craft option to Item Details
Item must be craftable
SALE! Normally 125 Gold -
availableQuick Store
Adds Quick Store option to Item
Details. Must have a Storehouse -
availableQuick Give
Adds Quick Give option to Item Details
Item must be mailable
Bank Upgrades
availableBanker I
Increases interest gained on silver
in the Bank by 1% -
availableBanker II
Increases interest gained on silver
in the Bank by 2%
Requires Banker I Perk -
availableBanker III
Increases interest gained on silver
in the Bank by 4%
Requires Banker II Perk -
availableSavings Account I
Raises Bank Interest Cap
by 2 million Silver -
availableSavings Account II
Raises Bank Interest Cap
by 10 million Silver
Requires Savings Account I Perk -
availableSavings Account III
Raises Bank Interest Cap
by 20 million Silver
Requires Savings Account II Perk -
availableSavings Account IV
Raises Bank Interest Cap
by 40 million Silver
Requires Savings Account III Perk -
availableSavings Account V
Raises Bank Interest Cap
by 80 million Silver
Requires Savings Account IV Perk
Orchard Upgrades
availableForester III
Trees produce 5% more fruit daily -
availableForester IV
Trees produce 10% more fruit daily
Requires Forester III Perk -
availableOrchard Land I
Allows for 100 more trees in Orchard -
availableOrchard Land II
Allows for 250 more trees in Orchard
Requires Orchard Land I Perk -
availableOrchard Land III
Allows for 500 more trees in Orchard
Requires Orchard Land II Perk -
availableOrchard Land IV
Allows for 750 more trees in Orchard
Requires Orchard Land III Perk -
availableOrchard Land V
Allows for 1000 more trees in Orchard
Requires Orchard Land IV Perk -
availableOrchard Land VI
Allows for 1000 more trees in Orchard
Requires Orchard Land V Perk
Wine Cellar Upgrades
availableFancy Bottle
Raises Wine Value Cap by
2 million Silver -
availableDesigner Bottle
Raises Wine Value Cap by
5 million Silver
Requires Fancy Bottle Perk -
availableCouturier Bottle
Raises Wine Value Cap by
8 million Silver
Requires Designer Bottle Perk -
availableCellar Insulation I
Wine increases in value faster -
availableCellar Insulation II
Wine increases in value faster
Requires Cellar Insulation I Perk -
availableCellar Insulation III
Wine increases in value faster
Requires Cellar Insulation II Perk -
availableCellar Expansion I
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles -
availableCellar Expansion II
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion I Perk -
availableCellar Expansion III
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion II Perk -
availableCellar Expansion IV
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion III Perk -
availableCellar Expansion V
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion IV Perk -
availableCellar Expansion VI
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion V Perk -
availableCellar Expansion VII
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion VI Perk -
availableCellar Expansion VIII
Expands Cellar by +50 Bottles
Requires Cellar Expansion VII Perk -
Adds bulk options to the Wine Cellar
Livestock Upgrades
availablePet-o-Matic I
Adds option to pet all chickens -
availablePet-o-Matic II
Adds option to pet all cows
Requires Pet-o-Matic I Perk -
availableFeed-o-Matic I
Adds option to feed all pigs -
availableFeed Boost
Feed processes twice as fast -
availableSend-o-Matic I
Adds bulk slaughter option for cows -
availableSend-o-Matic II
Adds bulk slaughter option for pigs
Requires Send-o-Matic I Perk -
availableExpanded Coop I
Allows 50 more chickens -
availableExpanded Coop II
Allows 50 more chickens
Requires Expanded Coop I Perk -
availableExpanded Coop III
Allows 50 more chickens
Requires Expanded Coop II Perk -
availableExpanded Coop IV
Allows 50 more chickens
Requires Expanded Coop III Perk -
availableExpanded Coop V
Allows 50 more chickens
Requires Expanded Coop IV Perk -
availableExpanded Pig Pen I
Allows 50 more pigs -
availableExpanded Pig Pen II
Allows 50 more pigs
Requires Expanded Pig Pen I Perk -
availableExpanded Pig Pen III
Allows 50 more pigs
Requires Expanded Pig Pen II Perk -
availableExpanded Pig Pen IV
Allows 50 more pigs
Requires Expanded Pig Pen III Perk -
availableExpanded Pig Pen V
Allows 50 more pigs
Requires Expanded Pig Pen IV Perk -
availableExpanded Pasture I
Allows 50 more cows -
availableExpanded Pasture II
Allows 50 more cows
Requires Expanded Pasture I Perk -
availableExpanded Pasture III
Allows 50 more cows
Requires Expanded Pasture II Perk -
availableExpanded Pasture IV
Allows 50 more cows
Requires Expanded Pasture III Perk -
availableExpanded Pasture V
Allows 50 more cows
Requires Expanded Pasture IV Perk
Wheel of Borgen Upgrades
availableWheel Boost
Increases reward quantities per spin -
availableWheel Credit
Reduces AC cost per spin -
availableWheel Bonus
15% chance per spin that reward
amounts greatly increase -
availableWheel Grease
Wheel spins much faster -
availableWheel Motor
Adds Spin 10x Option
Requires Wheel Grease Perk
Miscellaneous Upgrades
availableMattress Pad
+1 Max Stamina daily in Farmhouse -
+2 Max Inventory Growth
in Storehouse -
availableForklift II
+2 Max Inventory Growth
in Storehouse
Requires Forklift Perk -
availablePlease Recycle II
10% chance Glass bottle isn't
consumed when drinking a drink -
availableO.M.G II
5% chance liked or loved items
given to townsfolk have huge XP bonus -
availableExtra Wish
An extra toss into the Well daily -
availableExtra Wishes
+5 tosses into the Well daily
Requires Extra Wish Perk -
availableExtra Wishes II
+10 tosses into the Well daily
Requires Extra Wishes Perk -
availableExtra Wishes III
+10 tosses into the Well daily
Requires Extra Wishes II Perk -
availableStar Map
Charters/Expeditions are significantly
more effective
SALE! Normally 250 Gold -
availableConversation Skills I
Increases XP conversion
by 100,000,000
Used in Exchange Center -
availableConversation Skills II
Increases XP conversion
by 100,000,000
Used in Exchange Center
Requires Conversation Skills I Perk -
availableConversation Skills III
Increases XP conversion
by 100,000,000
Used in Exchange Center
Requires Conversation Skills II Perk -
Get 1 extra guess in the Vault daily -
availableKeymaster II
10% Chance key is not used
when opening at the Locksmith -
availableRaptor Rescue
Adds option to heal all Raptors -
availableRaptor Refresher
Automatically heals all Raptors
every minute if you have enough
Grape Juice on hand
Requires Raptor Rescue Perk -
availableRaptor Recruit I
+1 more Raptor fighting in RFC -
availableAce Up the Sleeve I
Slightly easier to win at Buddyjack -
availableAce Up the Sleeve II
Adds Cheat Button
Good for 1 time daily
Adds +1 to your score
Requires Ace Up the Sleeve I Perk -
availableAce Up the Sleeve III
Allows for cheating another time
in Buddyjack daily
Requires Ace Up the Sleeve II Perk -
availableKnow When To Hold 'Em
Allows you to see Buddy's Score
in Buddyjack once daily
availableHigh Roller I
+1 more daily Buddyjack game