Welcome to Farm RPG! This is a simple, mobile-friendly, farming RPG game where you start a farm, fish, craft and explore the world of the game.
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About Farm RPG
Farm RPG is a simple, menu-based farming role playing game / MMO. As you play, a lot of fun things unlock for you to do on a daily basis. There's a world to explore with townsfolk to help and a community of players to work with and trade.
Farm RPG is a game about choice and making money. There are many ways to invest and grow your farm to increase your profits. The community loves to help players in terms of how to play, best things to do first, and more.
- 100% Ad-Free. Totally F2P friendly. Contains optional IAPs to support game development.
- Cross-platform, playable on Mobile devices and Desktop with the same account.
- Amazing Community, hang out with thousands of other players. Chat, trade, work together, etc.
- Enjoy tons of content and activities with new features and updates weekly.
- Dark Mode option if you can't stand all the brightness!