Mar 18, 2023
27d 13h 34m 20s Ago
Public Bio
Hello, I am Damian. I don't know what I am doing, but I am enjoying this game so far. I thank you in advance for any help you give me. Also I have a cat that my 2 year old niece named Kit Kat, and I think she's my bestonly friend.
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth3,164,585
Crops Planted3,810
Fish Caught3,159
Best Streak1,473
Items Crafted2,708
Explore Count28,706
Meals Cooked0
Meals Stirred0
Meals Tasted0
Meals Seasoned0
Requests Complete96
Personal Requests0
Items Mastered0
Items Grand Mastered0
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated228
Wheel Spins0
Vault Codes Cracked1
Well Tosses8
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By2
Runestones Found
Level 1