Jan 1, 2023
629d 4h 35m 37s Ago
Public Bio
In game I just enjoy every aspect of the game. Look forward to accessibility with screen readers being accomplished more.IRL. Enjoy going to church, Reading myBible, playing alto recorder, listening to music. Learning more about my saviour the Lord Jesus. I also like to create things with my hands weaving, crocheting, knitting, and the like.
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth19,837,734
Crops Planted9,321
Fish Caught53
Best Streak0
Items Crafted23,565
Explore Count213,341
Meals Cooked0
Meals Stirred0
Meals Tasted0
Meals Seasoned0
Requests Complete247
Personal Requests0
Items Mastered3
Items Grand Mastered0
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated125
Wheel Spins6
Vault Codes Cracked15
Well Tosses0
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By0
Runestones Found
Level 3
Level 3