May 16, 2024
8d 14h 57m 40s Ago
Public Bio
i try my best to give away stuff anytime i can if you need something just ask, Sister of LovelyCleo i play a lot less then them though T-T so they have a lot more you can also ask them for stuff also
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth16,979,977
Crops Planted6,338
Fish Caught287
Best Streak83
Items Crafted2,693
Explore Count96,903
Meals Cooked0
Meals Stirred0
Meals Tasted0
Meals Seasoned0
Requests Complete59
Personal Requests0
Items Mastered0
Items Grand Mastered0
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated493
Wheel Spins5
Vault Codes Cracked6
Well Tosses3
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By3
Referred ByLovelyCleo
Runestones Found