Feb 20, 2024
98d 7h 56m 9s Ago
Public Bio
Hey fellow farmers! Let's celebrate our love for farming and the environment!You know what they say 'You reap what you sow'... and in our game, we're sowing good vibes and reaping amazing harvests!With no pesticides or herbicides needed, our crops are already bio-friendly and sustainable. It's like Mother Nature is giving us a high-five for being eco-conscious farmersSo let's keep on farming, folks! And remember our dedication to the environment is the real 'crop' we're harvesting
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth4,574,407,929
Crops Planted24,907
Fish Caught2,181
Best Streak650
Items Crafted171,174
Explore Count263,611
Meals Cooked31
Meals Stirred40
Meals Tasted35
Meals Seasoned33
Requests Complete287
Personal Requests1
Items Mastered4
Items Grand Mastered1
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated5,666
Wheel Spins129
Vault Codes Cracked98
Well Tosses28
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By1
Runestones Found
Minnow Mae
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Hoots McSoots
Level 3
Snekky Snek
Level 3