Jul 22, 2023
508d 3h 5m 18s Ago
Public Bio
Just got into the game and having a great time. Trying to Max my fishing but also trying to get a high crafting level to make nets but once I can Ill be fishing all the way
Profile Sections
Friendship Levels
Game Stats
Net Worth32,273,589
Crops Planted6,545
Fish Caught1,740
Best Streak717
Items Crafted15,319
Explore Count168,028
Meals Cooked0
Meals Stirred0
Meals Tasted0
Meals Seasoned0
Requests Complete87
Personal Requests0
Items Mastered2
Items Grand Mastered0
Items Mega Mastered0
Items Donated45
Wheel Spins6
Vault Codes Cracked5
Well Tosses43
Buddyjack Wins0
Friended By1
Runestones Found
Level 1